What is Your Mind Default?


It’s important that we surround ourselves with the right people, who can advise, support, guide and pray with you.  Proverbs 13 v 20 ‘He who walks with the wise, will become wise. But become companions with fools and you are fools yourself and will experience harm.‘(NIV)

We were reminded to consider what our mind default is when preparing for an important day, a meeting, work, school etc.  Do we start the day turning it over to God or are we worrying, doubting or listening to the enemy’s voice that we are not good enough, fear of rejection or remain doubtful.

No, we were challenged with Romans 12 v 2 mainly focused on Being transformed and progressively changed as you mature spiritually by the renewing of your mind.’  (AMP)

Controlling our mind and thoughts is not easy at times, but if we simply change the way that we speak, think and act.  Renewing our minds each day, we will see how things start grow and flourish in our lives.

When we commit things to Father at the start of our day, even when it’s a day with challenges. We must read God’s word and fill our mind with his promises. We must ensure that Father’s teaching take root in our lives, this includes allowing the Holy Spirit to move that’s when we’ll see growth.

What is your mind default?

Set your mind on what is in heaven, where Christ rules at God’s right side. Think about what is up there, not about what is here on earth.  

Col 3 v 2

Continue to pray, pray, pray and fight, fight, fight as the enemy is out to kill, steal and destroy. We have already won the VICTORY!